Welcome to VBS 2025!
This year, Faith Lutheran Church will be partnering with Lutherdale Camp to host VBS!
June 23-27, 2025
Kindergarten-6th Grade 9a - 3p Monday - Thursday; 9a - 1p Friday
Preschool 9a - 12:30p Monday - Thursday; 9a - 1p Friday (children must be potty trained)
$100 for Full Day / $40 for Half Day
Registration Opens February 1 for members and March 1 for the Community.
To help this week be a success, we need volunteers in a multitude of areas! Including:
- Be a leader with a group of kids during the week of VBS; either elementary school or 3s/PreK/K
- Be a back up leader with a group of kids in case another leader is sick the week of
- Help with crafts or games in the morning (before noon)
- Help with crafts in the afternoon (after noon)
- Provide housing for Lutherdale staff
- Provide dinner for Lutherdale Staff
- Provide an evening activity space for Lutherdale Staff
- Provide lunch for Volunteers during week of programming
- Set up / clean up lunch for Volunteers during week of programming (morning/early afternoon)
- Provide snack for campers during week of programming
- Help set up / clean up snack for camp (morning)
- Be a junior counselor (rising 6-8th grade)
- Be a VBS nurse & Quiet Space leader throughout the week
- help facilitate Tie Dye Tuesday (all day)
- help dye extra Tie Dye shirts (end of the day on Tuesday)
- wash Tie Dye Tuesday shirts (done by Thursday morning)
To sign up to volunteer, please use this form.
If you have any questions, please email Deacon Kayla at kfeil@faithonline.org.
Volunteer Genral Information
Health Information for Volunteers (17 and under- required)
Health Information for Volunteer One
Volunteer Two Information
Health information for Volunteer 2 (17 years old and under)
Volunteer Three Information
Health Information for Volunteer 3 (17 years old & under)
VBS Information for students 17 years old and under
This is needed for volunteers under the age 17 - please skip if this does not apply to any volunteers registered above.
Releases and Authorization
This is needed for all volunteers.
Please select one option.